Online Resources

  • Bunson, Margaret. "Tut'ankhamun." Ancient and Medieval History Online. Facts on File Inc. Web.

Book Recourses

  • Robert, Green,. Tutankhamun. New York: F. Watts, 1996. Print.

Book Recourses

  • King, Michael R., Gregory M. Cooper, and Don DeNevi. Who Killed King Tut? Using Modern Forensics to Solve a 3300-Year-Old Mystery. New York: Prometheus Books, 2004. Print.

When did King Tut take throne?

What age did King Tut die?

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Friday, December 11, 2009

King Tut Takes Throne

It is believed that Tutankhamun took throne in 1333 B.C. as a young boy. As King Tut matured, he gained more powers and so therefore gained more respect. He took throne about 9 years after his father died. His original name was "Tutankhaten" but he changed it because he didn't want anything to do with his father's choices. King Tut's father was a pharoah and did things the Egyptians didn't appreciate. Therefore, Tutankhamun changed his name to simply just restart a relationship with the gods. King Tut's nickname is also known as, "The Boy King." Tutankhamun also reigned for eight years. That would be like electing our president for 2 terms in a row. Pretty impressive! King Tutankhamun also got married while he was ruling. He married Akhenaten and it is believed that they had a very good relationship and were very close to each other. (Ooohhh!)

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